Design Sprint for Scrum Teams


Often product strategy isn’t tested until your first version hits the market. So you invest substantially before you validate your concept. In Design Sprints we validate first, build later. Perfect to test risky propositions.


Do a Design Sprint to quickly create, test and iterate on your UX design and start off with a well designed and good looking product.


The setup of our Design + Execute sprint fits your Scrum rhythm. So it’s a seamless experience.

Who’s your user? 

Scrum looks at the customer, the paying client. 

In Design Sprints we look at the end user.

Perhaps it’s time to become a better listener and learn directly from your users.

The best methods, combined together, make for real progress

We use 1 Sprint from your established Scrum rhythm. In 2 weeks you think up, validate and produce new features. Or start up new products. With lower risk, and a low impact on business-as-usual. Except we’ll leave your team with a deep customer understanding. Which may stir up some things.

Contact us! Sprints are about saving time. So let’s get to it.

This sprint is a perfect way to start up a project, explore new features, or when you want to reconsider your product strategy. Especially if you can’t wait for results. 

Want to know if it fits your challenges and way of working? For this we do an assessment. Schedule a time below.