Design Sprint product design user research

Ditch the Ideas, get real Product Feedback instead

Let’s start with a little game. Close your eyes and think about an icon for innovation. My guess is that you chose a lightbulb. Just like me and 9 out of 10 people. And this is not good. A common visual language is gold, but a lightbulb is not what innovation is about. I have […]

Artikel Design Sprint Food product design

Food Innovation kan sneller dan je denkt, met een Digital Mindset.

Ik heb Levensmiddelentechnologie gestudeerd in Wageningen. En daarnaast Informatica. En doordat ik de IT in ben gegaan heb ik al die tijd niets met mijn Food achtergrond gedaan. Programmeren, projecten leiden, Agile doen. Dingen beter maken. Allemaal leuk. Tot vorig jaar. Toen kwam Food weer op mijn pad. En gek genoeg niet vanwege mijn achtergrond […]

Design Sprint productivity user research

Fighting the sticky chair syndrome: three simple ways to get user insights

Some tricks to improve your product by doing user research more often. I worked for large companies. I worked in very comfortable offices with very comfortable chairs. Even lounge corners, playrooms, you name it. Of course, we had meetings. And in quite a few of those we discussed our users. What they wanted, what they […]